The Performance Review Form is for managers or HR directors to give an employee notes about their progress and things they could work on to perform better ni their role and have a chance of promotion.
1. Operators can use this form when conducting performance reviews on a quarterly, semi-annual (6 months), or annual (12 months) basis
2. Applicants can add this to their employee handbook or the Labor Practices Plan if the application requires you to submit these items with the application and if the page limit set by the application allows for the addition of this form.
This document will not likely need any regulatory citations, so this keyword section is not needed. If you want to search for rules pertaining to this agreement so you can add wording to the document that is specific to the regulations, look for words such as:
Replace whatever you see fit and make edits that fit your business' employee review process.
We suggest that you read through the sheet and make any additional edits or additions that you see fit.
You likely will not need to rename this document, except if you add it to the employee handbook in which case the agreement would then be found within the Employee Handbook.