Applications for cannabis business licenses in Mississippi open on June 1st, 2022. Now is the time to get started. But how? Here we'll cover the steps for applying for a cannabis business license of each type in Mississippi, so you'll know everything you need to do, what forms need to be filled out, and what documents you'll need to have prepared to apply for a license, or multiple. Make sure to save this article because it has links for every regulatory board, regulation, form and operating plan that you need for your Mississippi cannabis business, all in one place. Having every step laid out will allow you to avoid making some of the most common mistakes made by cannabis entrepreneurs when starting a cannabis business in a newly legalized state.
Throughout the application process you'll have a lot of information, forms and other documents to keep track of. It'd imperative that you set up a folder structure on your desktop to keep everything in order. Reference this article to learn how to structure your application folder.
Register as a corportaion, Inc. or LLC with the Mississippi Secretary of State's Office to get your business license and articles of organization or incorporation, here. No business ca apply for acannabis business license without first having a state business license.
The Mississippi Department of Health oversees Mississippi Medical Cannabis Program and cannabis businesses in Mississippi. The primary cannabis regulation in Mississippi is the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act. Access the Mississippi cannabis business regulation here.
These forms will be required for upload when you apply for your Mississippi Cannabis Business Licenses. Download each of these forms and save them in you rapplication folder. Reference this article for guidance on how to organize your application folder and prepare for the cannabis business licensing process.
You must select your location when applying so that you can have a site plan made and so you can complete the waiver of minimum distance requirements showing that the site follows the distance guidelines. Make sure that the count/city where you find a location allows cannabis businesses in their jurisdiction. Some jurisdiction in Mississippi have opted out of allowing cannabis businesses so signing a lease before checking with the jurisdiction could be a waste of some of your startup budget.
Distance Requirements
The Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act requires that a medical cannabis establishment, including cannabis transportation facilities, cannot be within 1,000 feet of the nearest property boundary line of a school, church or child care facility which exists or has acquired necessary real property for the operation of such facility before the date of the medical cannabis establishment application, unless the entity has received approval from the school, church or child care facility and received the applicable waiver from their licensing agency.
Even when a waiver is given by a church, school, or child care facility, the cannabis facility cannot be within 500 feet of the nearest property boundary of the school, church, or child care facility.
Owners/agents who directly or indirectly own ten percent (10%) or more of a medical cannabis establishment must get a background check completed with the Mississippi Department of Health (MSDH). The MSDH Criminal History Fingerprint unit processes background checks for all Mississippi licensed Health Care and Child Care facilities. All background checks are processed through the Mississippi Department of Public Safety and are transmitted through the Mississippi Criminal Information Center and Federal Bureau of Investigation databases to complete the requirements for state and national background checks.
NAICS Facility Codes for Mississippi Cannabis Business License Types
You'll need every agent (employee) and owner to have a digital photo. This photo may be required for the application information that the state asks for pertaining to each agent (employee) and owner. This photo will be needed for each agent (employee) and owner's work card application.
Someo f the localities in Mississippi have opted out of allowing cannabis businesses in their jurisdiction. Google "[CITY NAME] Mississippi [City Regulators]" and "[COUNTY NAME] Mississippi [County Regulators]" and find the contact information. Send them an email asking about cannabis business rules in the jurisdiction and who you need to speak with in order to get location approval. Receiving an official letter from them with the county/city seal and a signature from whoever approves the location is best practice. They'll be receiving a lot of messages from cannabis business applicants so keep the message short and to the point.
Example Message
My name is {Name} and I am applying for a {cannabis business type} in {City or county name}. The address we are planning to use if approved is {insert address}. I'm reaching out to make sure that the jurisdiction is currently allowing cannabis businesses, and to connect with whoever is in charge of these types of approvals. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Company Name
These waivers in completion will be required for upload for cannabis business license applications. Save these to your application folder on your desktop.
Cannabis businesses can create a burden on natural resources such as gas, water and electricity. Mississippi Department t of Health requires that cannabis business applicants get data from the natural resource providers about the resource load that the cannabis business may put on the natural resources in the area.
Google "[CITY/COUNTY NAME] Mississippi [Water Authority]" , "[CITY/COUNTY NAME] Mississippi [Gas Authority]" and "[CITY/COUNTY NAME] Mississippi [Electricity/Power Authority]"and find the contact information for each of these entities. Send them an email requesting load data, or to start the process of acquiring load data. They'll be receiving a lot of messages from cannabis business applicants so keep the message short and to the point.
Example Message:
My name is {Name} and I am applying for a {cannabis business type} in {City or county name}. The address we are planning to use if approved is {insert address}. We have already received approval for location use by the {City and/or county regulatory board name}. I'm reaching out to start the process of acquiring the {water/gas/electricity} load data for this location. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Company Name
Have the following business information prepared:
Have the following cannabis business owner information for each owner ready to go:
Have the following business documentation ready:
Here are all the Standard Operating Procedures You Need to Apply for a Cannabis Business License in Mississippi. The linked plans we have available for you on leafsheets in a customizable format You can buy the plans, they're 90% of the way done, and then you add the state specific and business specific customizations using the DIY guides to teach you how to make the customizations along the way.
Have each owner and agent (employee) apply for a work card. These cards are required for owning or operating a cannabis business.
"Medical cannabis establishment agent"
An owner, officer, board member, employee, volunteer or agent of a medical cannabis establishment.
“Medical cannabis establishment employee"
Anyone who performs services for the medical cannabis establishment if the establishment controls what will be done and how it will be done, including independent contractors and volunteers. Control can include, but isn’t limited to, instructions on how work is to be done, direction on equipment to use to perform work, and training on required policies and procedures of the medical cannabis establishment.
“Work permit”
The official document issued by the Department that authorizes a person to be a Medical Cannabis Establishment Employee of a Medical Cannabis Establishment regulated by the Department.
To apply, have the following information for each applicant, before applying:
The real estate agent or broker will help you find location for each of your cannabis businesses and help you ensure that the locations meet the state's distance requirements. They will also help you negotiate lease or purchase terms with the landlord.
The architect will develop your site planw hich is required for the application. They will collaborate with your team and the construction company to design a facility that works best for your business work flow and meets all state and local building codes.
Leafsheets has all of the standard operating procedures you'll need ot meet the application requirements, as well as DIY guides so you can customize the documents for Mississippi rules and your business's specialized practices.
The legal advisor will act as an ally along the way. You won’t need them to hold your hand but you will be able to use them when reviewing contracts and other legal documents. They can also be helpful when you hit any hiccups with regulators on the city, county or state level.
While you work to get the best application possible together, your construction company will build out a construction budget and start planning for how to get your cannabis business chosen facility from where it is to where it needs to be for you to be able to open for business and start making money ASAP.
Applying for a cannabis business license, or multiple, in a newly legalized state is exciting! The application process can often be more overwhelming than originally expected. Follow this guide and the process of applying for cannabis business licensure in Mississippi will be as smooth as possible. If you haven't started yet, getting all of the operating plans listed above will catch you up! If you have started the process but haven't yet found operating procedures, the operating documents above will help you finish off your application.
Employee Agreements, Forms, and Handbook
Leafsheets is a cannabis business support and acceleration platform that is breaking the barriers to entry and success in cannabis business by simplifying cannabis entrepreneurship by providing vital operating plans, business information, and answers to the most pressing questions. **Leafsheets is an experienced business advisor and not a legal advisor. For legal advice, consult with a licensed legal practitioner in your state.
Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act
Regulations for Medical Testing Facilities
Regulations for Advertising and Marketing
Proposed Medical Cannabis regulations for Commercial Dispensal and Destruction
Proposed Medical Cannabis Regulations for Commercial Transportation of Medical Cannabis
Proposed Medical Cannabis Regulation for Registry and Registry ID Cards